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When should we consult an internist?

What do you need to know about internal medicine? What exactly does an internist do? When should I contact him? In our article, we take a look at this topic and, of course, provide answers to the questions.

When should we consult an internist?
When should we consult an internist?

Medicine is divided into many different fields depending on what each field deals with. One such large field is internal medicine, which is extremely versatile, as it offers solutions and treatment suggestions for many problems.

As the name suggests, internal medicine deals with complaints that develop in internal organs or systems, and at first glance they cannot be clearly linked to a specific body part, organ or specialty.

What is worth knowing about internal medicine?

Internal medicine is one of the most comprehensive medical fields, which includes not only treatment, but also prevention and follow-up. This includes the treatment of diseases related to disorders and dysfunction of internal organs.

Because internal problems affect many different organs, internal medicine has many branches. Examples include cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, nephrology and pulmonology.

An internist must have comprehensive knowledge to effectively treat a variety of problems. While you may be dealing with diseases that are limited to a single organ, there are often cases where the problem affects the functioning of multiple organs. In these cases, a complex investigation and therapy is necessary in order to improve the patient's condition.

Measurement of blood pressure
Blood pressure measurement at the internist

What symptoms should we see an internist with?

If, for example, abdominal pain or cramps occur, it is definitely advisable to consult a doctor. Occasionally, the cause of abdominal pain may simply be the consumption of the wrong quality or quantity of food, but if the problem recurs or does not go away within 1-2 hours, it should be thoroughly investigated.

The same applies to stomach pain and heartburn. Bloating and a feeling of fullness may also occur after a meal. It is important to pay attention to how often these symptoms occur and how strong they are. If reflux, intestinal pain or intestinal inflammation is suspected, it is still recommended to visit an internist.

2. characteristic symptom: feeling of hunger; binge eating stimulus
In case of persistent stomach complaints, consult an internist!

Chest pain is a symptom that should be taken seriously, especially if it is repeated and possibly accompanied by shortness of breath. This could also be a sign of a heart attack.

If you experience frequent headaches and dizziness, it is also worth getting it checked out. Symptoms can be caused by a number of problems, which can be serious or less serious. So it's important to make sure.

Loss of appetite and vomiting can also be warning signs if they occur frequently and are unexplained. This is also true for constipation and diarrhea. In addition, a fever of unknown origin cannot be ignored, as our body can also indicate a problem or illness.

3. characteristic symptom: wounds that are difficult to heal; skin dryness
If you experience frequent headaches and dizziness, you should get it checked out!

Do you need a referral?

If it is difficult for you to get to your family doctor, your complaints persist despite the family doctor's examination and therapy, or if you are not satisfied with the doctor-patient communication experienced there, you can contact a private doctor with confidence. What's more, you won't even need a referral to see an internist practicing in a private practice!

Consultation with the internist by private appointment
Consultation with the internist by private appointment

Internal medicine examinations at Visegrádi40 Private practice

With any of the complaints described above, you can contact our internists with confidence! We have no queues, no waiting, and we also have the necessary diagnostic tools to safely diagnose the origin of your complaints: lab, EKG, Holter, ultrasound, MRI, CT. We work quickly and accurately, always making sure that our communication is polite, clear and at the same time reassuring.

Characteristic symptom 5: visual impairment
Ultrasound examination in Visegrádi40 Private practice

You are always the first in Visegrádi40 Private Practice!

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