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Dietetic Specialist Order

Order time: Monday and Wednesday from 15:00 to 18:00

When should you visit a dietician?


​A lot of information about healthy eating is easily accessible these days. Sometimes, however, because of too much information, it is difficult to decide what would be best for whom. In some cases, it is strongly recommended to seek the help of an expert instead of relying on readily available information or listening to the good advice of friends.


Consult a dietitian if
  • have digestive problems,

  • suffers from regular abdominal pain (cramps, bloating, gas formation),

  • suffers from stress eating

  • strives to achieve a healthy weight,

  • food allergy is suspected.

It is also recommended to seek the help of a dietician if we are faced with a life situation that places an increased burden on our body. This could be, for example, an illness that requires a lifestyle change, planning to have a child, or pregnancy itself. A special diet prepared by a specialist can help you heal and prepare your body and digestion for the changes.

Nyitva tartás

You can find the appointment times on the page of each specialist appointment or next to the name of our specialists.

1132 Budapest, Visegrádi Street 40.

+36 20 344 3733

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